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Why do we do the Living Nativity?

The Living Nativity is one of the longest standing traditions at All Nations Church. Started by Jeremy Mahood in 1988, the Living Nativity is an enduring performance that has seen hundreds of thousands of people across Northern Ontario come and witness. It has seen much of the community come together to make it happen, organizations and businesses like Science North, KFM, the Sudbury Charities Foundation, Day Construction, McCullagh-Hall, and TESC, along with over a thousand volunteers. But why would we continue to run this event year after year for free?

Embodying the Biblical Story:
The Living Nativity is a powerful reenactment of the Nativity scene, bringing to life the story of the birth of Jesus Christ as described in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. It is a theatrical representation that involves volunteers from the congregation who portray various characters, including Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and baby Jesus. Through this portrayal, All Nations Church aims to create an immersive experience that allows attendees to witness the miraculous birth firsthand.
Connecting the Community:
One of the core values of All Nations Church is fostering a strong sense of community and inclusivity. The Living Nativity provides an excellent opportunity to bring people together, both from within the church and the wider community. By inviting individuals of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the production, the church encourages unity, collaboration, and fellowship among its members and extends a warm welcome to those who wish to partake in this beautiful event.
Spreading the Message of Hope:
The Living Nativity is more than just a simple reenactment; it serves as a powerful tool for sharing the message of hope and salvation. The story of Jesus’ birth symbolizes the ultimate gift of love and redemption. Through the Living Nativity, All Nations Church aims to touch the hearts of the audience and remind them of the importance of faith, compassion, and the true spirit of Christmas.
Igniting the Imagination:
In an era dominated by technology and virtual experiences, the Living Nativity offers a refreshing departure from the digital realm. The use of live actors, intricate costumes, and carefully crafted sets transports attendees back in time, allowing them to witness the humble birth of Jesus in a tangible and engaging way. This immersive experience stirs the imagination, fostering a deeper connection to the story and helping individuals grasp the significance of this extraordinary event.
Nurturing Family Traditions:
The Living Nativity has become an integral part of many families’ holiday traditions. Parents can pass on the story of Jesus’ birth to their children in a manner that is not only educational but also captivating. By involving children in the production, either as participants or as spectators, All Nations Church helps cultivate a sense of wonder, faith, and reverence for the true meaning of Christmas. It creates lasting memories that families can cherish and pass down from one generation to another.
All Nations Church’s Living Nativity is a testament to the power of faith, community, and the timeless story of Jesus’ birth. By engaging the congregation and the wider community in this immersive experience, the church fosters unity, spreads the message of hope, and rekindles the true spirit of Christmas. Through the Living Nativity, All Nations Church invites everyone to embrace the magic of the season, remember the humble beginnings of our faith, and find joy in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ—the ultimate gift of love.

How do we know the Bible is accurate?

This is the continuation of the series of blog posts on proving Christianity and apologetics.

In this blog we discuss why the Bible can be trusted and deemed reliable. There are three basic areas of evidence that we are going to explore: authorship, archaeological support, and historical evidence.

The first thing we need to establish is that The Bible is really the biography of Jesus, specifically the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These 4 books of the Bible contain the core truths about Christianity, that Jesus was born into the earth, that He was God’s son and He died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected. Those are really the essential beliefs that we have as Christians. Now many people have tried to undermine what those gospels say, but what do the facts tell us?
The earliest thing we need to determine is that the 4 men were real and they actually wrote the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the supposed authors of the gospels and we find upon further examination that there is no disagreement with that. Craig Bloomberg, a famous New Testament Bible scholar and professor, outlined how in fact there were many people who wrote supporting the authorship – this includes major early bishops in the church.
But even with this fact in place, there are many reasons that they could have lied. We’re going to run through some of the 8 tests that are used when questioning witnesses in a court of law.
The first is the intention test, this test seeks to determine whether it was the stated or implied intention of the writers to accurately preserve history. We see this most clearly in the gospel of Luke, which begins like this: “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.” Based on this we can see that the author of this gospel just wanted to get the facts.
Next we have the ability test, could the authors actually have witnessed or written about what happened. We have to remember that we’re in a foreign land in a distant time and place and in a culture that has not yet invented computers or even the printing press, Books—or actually, scrolls of papyrus—were relatively rare. Therefore education, learning, worship, teaching in religious communities—all this was done by word of mouth. Rabbis became famous for having the entire Old Testament committed to memory. So it would have been well within the capability of Jesus’ disciples to have committed much more to memory than appears in all four gospels put together—and to have passed it along accurately.
Then we have the consistency test, which looks at whether the sources agree on the main facts. The reality is all 4 of gospels agree on the main facts, however there are some discrepancies, which scholars have come to agree is because of the oral tradition. Even the most obvious discrepancies never undermine the core claims about Jesus. Simon Greenleaf of Harvard Law School, one of history’s most important legal figures and the author of an influential treatise on evidence said the following – “There is enough of a discrepancy to show that there could have been no previous concert among them; and at the same time such substantial agreement as to show that they all were independent narrators of the same great transaction.”
Now that we’ve discussed why we believe in the authorship of the gospels, let’s discuss the archaeological support.
Archeology Support
If the Bible says that Jericho was in a certain place, and archaeology verifies it, that fact does not prove everything in the Bible is true. Archaeology cannot prove Spiritual Truths. It does however mean that the Bible is more trustworthy in general, and for that reason should not be ignored.
Let me say it in the most upfront manner possible: Archaeology has never proven the Bible false. There are some things it hasn’t yet supported, but it has never proven it false. Let me mention some things that have been supported.
Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke and Acts, has been proven accurate by archaeology in regard to 32 references to countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands. That’s 95 different references, all of which have been supported by archaeology.
John, the author of the Gospel of John, 1-3 John, and Revelation, mentions in his Gospel that near the Pool of Bethesda there are 5 porches. For years, archaeologists believed John to be wrong. No such place had been discovered. But recently, 40 feet under ground, 5 porches were discovered.
There are 25,000 sites that show connection with the Old Testament that have been located in the lands of the Bible.
This is only a few short things, but archeology has time and again shown that there were important facts that were correct.
Finally, we have historical evidence…
Historical Evidence
When it comes to the Bible, we have a lot of historical evidence. And we not only have a lot, but we have it from several different sources. Let’s explore what we have. At the end, I’ll ask you if you think that is enough to prove that the Bible is historically accurate.
Historically speaking, a piece of writing was passed along on animal skins or papyrus, which was sort of like paper. What exists of those copies is referred to as manuscript evidence. We’re just going to call them ancient copies.
We have over 24,000 ancient copies of the New Testament alone.
In case you are wondering, that’s a lot, more than any other ancient writing. Aristotle was a philosopher who lived and wrote around 300 BC. However, we only have 5 copies of anything he wrote. 5!
Tacitus was a Greek Historian, who actually wrote just a little after the Bible was completed. We have a lot from him. Guess how many? The answer is 20 copies of what he wrote.
As you can see, the historical evidence is huge. No one doubts Aristotle or Tacitus wrote the copies we possess, and we only have a few from them. Why would anyone doubt the Bible when it has over 1,000 times more ancient copies than anything else?
But there’s more! Have you ever played the game telephone? There’s a simple truth to that game. The further the words got from the beginning, the easier it was for them to get messed up. That’s one argument against the Bible. How can we have what the original writers intended to say? It must have been twisted to what others wanted it to say, etc. Those are fair criticisms.
Just because we have a lot of ancient copies doesn’t make them reliable. So, like the game of telephone, we have to figure out how close the ancient copies we have are to the originals. Again, the Bible trumps all other ancient documents.
Let’s consider Aristotle again. He lived in 300 BC, and the earliest copy we have of anything he wrote is from 1100 AD, some 1,400 years earlier. That’s a long time, for sure. Tacitus is another example. His earliest copy is 1,000 years from when he lived.
The Bible, on the other hand, is much closer. Of the 24,000 copies we have of the New Testament, 230 of them date before 600 AD—a difference of only 550 years or so. And some of the copies date much closer. In the last 20 or so years, a study has been conducted on a portion of Matthew’s Gospel that some believe is either an original or copied while Matthew was alive. There is most definitely a piece of a copy of the Gospel of John that dates to 125 AD, perhaps as soon as 35 years from John’s life.
With all that evidence, and with the closeness of it to the original, why would anyone doubt the accuracy of the Bible? On top of the evidence we have discussed, there’s a lot more we didn’t cover! The Bible is a trustworthy document.
There are many things in our world that claim truth. But whether the Bible is accurate is the single most important truth that you’re going to encounter in your life, and is literally the difference between life and death. Truth matters. If the Bible is not true, we’re all wasting our time. But here’s the thing, even with the overwhelming evidence that the bible is true, there is one important thing that every Christian needs to have. That thing is faith. Faith is being sure of what you believe regardless of the evidence. That for me is what holds me strong to my belief in God, not the archaeological evidence, or the authorship facts or even the historical evidence, but my faith that Jesus died for my sins, and yours as well.

Volunteer Profile – Sarah Mason

In the heart of the All Nations Church (ANC) community, the Mason family has found a home filled with warmth, care, and a strong sense of purpose. Over the past year, Sarah Mason and her family have not only become active attendees but have also embraced the role of dedicated servants within the church. In this blog post, we delve into the heartwarming story of the Mason family’s journey at ANC, exploring their motivations for serving, the joys they’ve discovered, and the powerful impact of building a community centered around faith and love.

Just over a year ago, the Mason family took their first steps through the doors of ANC, uncertain of the journey that lay ahead. In a relatively short span of time, their lives have been enriched, their connections deepened, and their sense of belonging firmly established. ANC has become a cornerstone of their lives, offering a supportive environment in which they’ve found solace and connection.

Within a mere one to two months of becoming attendees, the Mason family responded to a call that would shape their involvement at ANC. Sarah Mason, along with her family, eagerly embraced the opportunity to serve, becoming integral members of the Worship Team and taking on a youth leadership role. Their swift transition from attendees to dedicated servants underscores their unwavering commitment to the ANC community.

Sarah Mason, a vital member of the Worship Team, leading on Sunday mornings and in youth ministry recalls the light-hearted reason for her decision to serve: “I was asked, lol.” This candid response reflects the humility and genuine spirit that Sarah embodies. Her journey of service, however, is far more profound. Sarah’s deep-seated desire to contribute to the church’s mission and connect with others has been a driving force in her commitment.

For Sarah, the joys of serving at ANC are multifaceted. As a Worship Team member, she relishes the opportunity to encourage others to connect with God through music—an immensely powerful tool. Sarah finds fulfillment in using music to guide hearts toward worship and create a deeper sense of community. The worship sessions and practice sessions not only nurture her connection with God but also provide a platform to build authentic relationships with fellow church members.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of Sarah’s journey is the involvement of her family. Playing and growing together as a unit within the Worship Team has strengthened their familial bond. The Mason family’s collective commitment to serving has created a unique space where their shared values and passions harmonize, creating an even deeper sense of belonging and connection.
To those who might be uncertain about embracing a role of service, Sarah offers an inspiring perspective: “Building community starts with you.” She emphasizes the transformative power of showing up for others, a tangible expression of love that extends to both the community and to God. Sarah’s words remind us that each member of the church plays a vital role, contributing to the unity and strength of the body of Christ.

The Mason family’s journey at All Nations Church is a testament to the profound impact of faith, service, and community. In just over a year, they have transformed from newcomers to essential contributors, exemplifying the power of love in action. Sarah’s role within the Worship Team and Youth Leadership underscores her commitment to fostering connections, both with God and with fellow church members. As they continue to build a community centred around shared values and deep relationships, the Mason family’s story serves as an inspiring reminder that every individual has a unique role to play in the tapestry of faith and fellowship.

Prayers You Can Use in Day to Day Life

Sometimes praying is easier than other times. Sometimes the words come easily, and other times it feels like we have writer’s block during our prayer time. Below you will find a number of prayers you can use for the different situations of life. They have been taken from a variety of sources.

A Prayer of Hope
Father, thank You for hope. Thank You for its light in the darkness. Thank You that no matter how dark the night, You are with me. My situation and circumstances may look dark, but I know You not only go before me, but You also walk with me. As I pray, please fill me with even more hope. I trust You, God, even in the midst of this seemingly hopeless season. I know my hope is in You and that the victory is already Yours. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer for Strength
Lord, I come to you in the midst of my struggles and trials. I feel weak and weary, but I know that you are my source of strength. Fill me with your power and courage to face each challenge. Help me to persevere, knowing that you are with me every step of the way. Grant me peace and comfort in the midst of the storm, and may your presence be my refuge. Amen.

A Prayer for Healing
Dear Lord, I humbly come before you to ask for your healing touch upon [name]. Grant them strength, comfort, and restoration in body, mind, and spirit. Surround them with your love and grace, and bring healing to every part of their being. In your merciful hands, I place their health and well-being. Amen.

A Prayer for peace
Jesus, I come to You today to ask for help. Thank You for your love, grace, and peace. I give You my anxious thoughts. Take them, Lord. I accept Your peace, love, and understanding. Help me to turn to You and be still. Help me to stop doing and start trusting. Help me to wait on You. I love You, and I know You love me so much more than I could ever imagine. Amen.
A Prayer for the Morning
Dear God, thank you for this new day. Fill me with your peace, wisdom, and strength. Guide my steps and help me to shine your light in the world. Bless me and my loved ones with your presence and protection throughout the day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer for Surrender
My God, here I am. I place myself completely and totally in your hands to do with as you wish, no terms, no conditions, nothing held back. If there is an area in my life that I may be withholding from you, even without realizing it, I want you to invade it right now and fill it with your light. I ask that you would give me a beautiful mind and bring me to that place where I truly do love you in the way you actually meant, when you said to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I ask this in the name of my Lord, my King, my Redeemer and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel. Amen.

A Prayer Before Bed
Dear Lord, as I prepare to rest, I thank you for this day. Thank you for your love, guidance, and provision. Forgive me for any shortcomings and help me to grow in your grace. I surrender my worries and burdens to you, trusting that you will carry them for me. Grant me peaceful sleep and renew my strength for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer for guidance
Heavenly Father, I seek your guidance and wisdom in this time of decision-making. Open my heart and mind to your leading, and grant me clarity and discernment. Help me to align my choices with your perfect will. May your light shine upon my path, and may I walk in the direction you have planned for me. Amen.

A Prayer for Financial Concerns
Dear God, I bring my financial concerns before you. Please provide for my needs and grant me wisdom in managing my resources. Help me to be a good steward of what you have entrusted to me. Give me strength and perseverance during times of financial difficulty. I trust in your abundant provision and believe that you will meet all my needs according to your glorious riches. Amen.

How do we know God created the Earth?

Crazy. Insane. Ignorant. These are all things that I have been called by people when they find out that I believe in God. I ignored those concerns for a long time, just told myself that I had to rely on faith and the hope that maybe I was believing in the right thing. But I got to a point where that just wasn’t good enough, I needed more if I was ever going to hope to grow in my faith. In this series of blog posts, we will investigate the claims made by christianity, and by non-believers to give us all some logical foundations we can base our faith on. In this first post, we will look at the arguments for and against God as creator of the universe.

According to many skeptics, science has undermined the need for God. But this could not be further from the truth! To the contrary, science gives us great reasons to believe that there is a God who created the entire universe, including each one of us. In fact, the more we discover about the natural world, the more we realize that Psalm 19:1-2 is true. “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. (NLT).” As Christians, we believe that God created everything in the world. On the other hand, the majority of atheists believe 2 main things – the first is that the universe was just an area of a bunch of elements and one day just became our world that we know. The second is that life started off as very small life forms and slowly added different features until we became what we are today.

How did the world come into existence?
As most people know, the scientific community has coalesced around the big bang theory as how the universe was created. Unfortunately, if you were to explore their supporting evidence, there is only guesses about what actually ahppened. One of their most important pieces of evidence came from an experiment conducted in 1953 by a man by the name of Stanley Miller. In this experiment, Miller took what scientists believed to be the elements/gases present on the earth before life and put them into flasks. He then pushed electricity through it to see if the building blocks of life would be created. These building blocks are called amino acids. He got anywhere from 5 to 23 amino acids. However, there were many issues with this experiment. The biggest was the supposed environment he created was nowhere close to how scientists now believe the earth was. They now believe that back then, the chemicals were much less friendly to life, so when the electricity was shot through, you know what they got? Cyanide! Not exactly friendly to life anymore… Plus, just because you get the building blocks to something, doesn’t mean it’s gonna build anything. I could throw some metal, tires, and an engine into a swimming pool, but it doesn’t mean a car is going to appear! Another big issue with this theory is as most scientists will admit it doesn’t actually show how the universe came into existence, just how our current universe looks the way it does.

What about our evolution?
So we’ve shown that maybe the idea that life just didn’t magically appear, but what about the other big belief of atheists? That we started as small life forms. And so there was this view that there would be middle points of humans when we evolved from monkeys to the humans we see today. And in 1891, they found something. They found the skullcap, femur and tooth of what they said was the middle ground. This was called the Java Man. Years later, the problems began to arise. The femur didn’t actually belong to the skull, it was from a different animal and upon testing the skull, it was reasoned to be just a regular human, with the size well within our standards today. Scientists have struggled to find the heaping mounds of evidence that we have some cave man grandfather with an ape-like head.

So what about supporting evidence for God?
There are also many arguments to actually support a creator. The first argument is the fine-tuning argument. Imagine you are hiking through the mountains and discover an abandoned cabin. As you enter it, you notice something unusual. The refrigerator is filled with your favourite foods, the cabin’s temperature is set to your liking, your favourite song is playing, and all your favourite books are sitting on the table. What conclusions would you draw? Since random chance could never bring so many factors together, you would rightly conclude that the cabin was prepared in advance with you in mind. Similarly, the laws of nature appear to be “prepared” with humans in mind.

In the 20th century, scientists discovered the existence of multiple physical laws that must each be just right for life to exist in the universe. These laws can be written as mathematical equations, and there are certain values in these equations that are fixed, which are known as constants. The values of these constants are so delicate that if they were off by the tiniest amount, life would not be possible in the universe. This is what is meant by the fine-tuning of the universe.

Let’s look at one example. We are all familiar with gravity: what goes up must come down. If the gravitational constant had been a little weaker, stars and planets never would have formed, and so life would be impossible. If it were slightly stronger, the entire universe would have collapsed into itself after the Big Bang. And the gravitational constant is just one of many constants that must be perfectly aligned to allow life in the universe.There are over 30 parameters that would need to be just right in order for us to be able to survive on earth. The universe is fine-tuned for life because a Divine Intellect designed it that way. God set the natural constants to permit life in his universe. In other words, the fine-tuning of the universe best points to the existence of a Fine-Tuner.

Now, let’s move from considering the universe as a whole to the microscopic level of DNA. We find design in this small realm, just as we did in the larger structures of the universe. When Darwin first proposed his theory of evolution, scientists completely underestimated the complexity of life. Every cell of our bodies is like a tiny factory with biological machinery following routines and commands to keep us functioning. Much of the information for programming this biological machinery comes from our DNA. Simply put, DNA is our genetic code, our biological operating system. And the DNA in a single cell contains enough information to fill eight thousand books. That’s a lot of information!

Here is the bottom line: whenever we see information, and we know how that information arose, we always trace it back to a mind. For example, if you saw, “John loves Mary” written in the sand, you wouldn’t think it came from the tides. You would know that it was written by a person. Social media posts come from social media users. Books come from authors. Texts come from texters.

Even the staunchest atheist has to admit that there is no natural explanation for the origin of information in DNA. And yet we know that information comes from a mind. Isn’t the existence of a designer the most reasonable explanation for the exquisite design we see in DNA? Simply put, the information in DNA points to the existence of an Author of life.

Now, these are just a few examples of how science actually points to a creator and not away from it. And this matters for how we view ourselves as part of God’s creation. In Psalm 8:3-4, King David reflects on the wonder of God’s concern for mankind in light of creation: “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (ESV) Given the vastness and complexity of the universe, David is in awe that God even cares about mankind. And yet He does! David continues: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14 NIV). What does this all mean, then? You are not a grand cosmic accident, the result of blind evolutionary processes. God designed the universe with us in mind and created you with great care. Your life has value and purpose. The world we inhabit claims that our value comes from money, fame, influence, and appearance. But God has a different standard. Human value comes from the fact that we are made in the image of a perfectly good and all-knowing Creator. If you ever feel worthless, just look around you, at the mountains and trees, the stars in the sky. And remember what King David said: The God who created all this deeply cares about you. Now, I leave you with this question, what do you choose to believe? What seems more likely? That there is a God who loves you, and fine-tuned this universe for us? Or that everything is just random and we emerged from nothing?

If you are interested in learning more about this, you can find more information here:
-The Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel
-The Battle for the Beginning by John MacArthur

Volunteer Profile: Klaryza Lehocky

At All Nations Church (ANC), we are blessed with a vibrant community of individuals who selflessly dedicate their time and talents to serve others. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on one exceptional volunteer who has made a significant impact within our church family. Meet Klaryza, an extraordinary individual who has been attending ANC for the past 1.5 years and serving with unwavering commitment in various roles.
Klaryza’s journey with ANC began 1.5 years ago when she decided to attend our services. Her desire to serve others and contribute to her spiritual journey led her to embark on a fulfilling volunteering experience. Since then, she has been an integral part of our community, investing her time, skills, and passion into making ANC a welcoming and inclusive space for all.
Within her 1.5 years of service, Klaryza has assumed the crucial responsibilities of Auditorium Door Coordinator and Greeter. As the Auditorium Door Coordinator, she organizes the team of door greeters to ensure this role is staffed each week. Simultaneously, as a Greeter, Klaryza has embraced the opportunity to extend a warm welcome to both regular attendees and newcomers, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and love.
When asked about what she enjoys most about ANC, Klaryza unhesitatingly points to the people and the fellowship. She expresses her gratitude for a community that is non-judgmental and genuinely reflects the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Klaryza’s deep appreciation for the church family motivates her to serve wholeheartedly, embodying the values that ANC upholds.
In her role as a volunteer, Klaryza finds immense joy in greeting everyone she encounters, particularly newcomers. Her genuine desire to make individuals feel welcome and at ease shines through in her warm smile and kind words. By radiating joy and acceptance, Klaryza plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and community within ANC.
For those who may be unsure about serving, Klaryza offers words of encouragement. She believes that serving is not only an act of devotion to God but also a transformative experience for oneself. By giving their time and abilities, individuals can make a difference and impact the lives of others. Klaryza urges those who are uncertain about their serving calling to simply show up and be present. ANC’s supportive community will help them discover where they can contribute and flourish.
At All Nations Church, Klaryza exemplifies the spirit of selflessness and dedication that we deeply appreciate in our volunteers. Her 1.5 years of attendance and service are a testament to her unwavering commitment to ANC’s mission and values. Through her role as Auditorium Door Coordinator and Greeter, Klaryza brings smiles to people’s faces and makes newcomers feel welcome. We are grateful for Klaryza’s remarkable contributions to our community, and her story serves as an inspiration to all who wish to embark on a similar journey of service and growth within ANC.

Helping Kids With Their Homework

As parents, you desire to provide the best possible support for your children in every aspect of their lives, including their education. Homework can often be a challenging and stressful experience for both children and parents alike. However, as Christians, we have the privilege of turning to the Word of God for guidance and wisdom in all areas of life, including our approach to helping our children with homework. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips from a Christian perspective, supported by biblical principles, to assist parents in nurturing their children’s academic growth while reinforcing spiritual values.
Cultivate a Spirit of Diligence: Encourage your children to develop a diligent work ethic in their studies, reflecting the biblical principle of excellence in all we do. Proverbs 22:29 says, “Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings.” Teach them the importance of dedicating time and effort to their homework, showing them that their work is ultimately for the glory of God.
Foster a Heart of Humility: Homework assignments can sometimes be challenging, leading to frustration and feelings of inadequacy. Help your children understand that it is okay to seek assistance and guidance. James 4:6 reminds us that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” By modelling humility and creating an environment where questions are welcomed, you can reinforce the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding.
Prioritize Time with God: While academic success is valuable, it should never overshadow spiritual growth. Encourage your children to prioritize time with God, including prayer and Bible reading, before diving into their homework. Matthew 6:33 reminds us to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Instilling this principle in their lives will help them maintain a balanced perspective, recognizing that their identity and worth are rooted in their relationship with Christ.
Teach the Value of Perseverance: Homework assignments may sometimes seem overwhelming or insurmountable. Teach your children the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges, drawing inspiration from the biblical accounts of individuals like Joseph and Daniel, who demonstrated unwavering faith and perseverance in difficult circumstances. Remind them of Galatians 6:9, which encourages us not to give up, for “in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”
Create a Distraction-Free Environment: In today’s technology-driven world, it is essential to create a conducive environment for focused studying. Help your children eliminate distractions, such as smartphones or television, during homework time. Encourage them to meditate on Philippians 4:8, which instructs us to fix our minds on things that are true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy.
Be a Supportive Encourager: Children thrive when they receive love, encouragement, and support from their parents. Show interest in their schoolwork, ask about their assignments, and celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how small. Colossians 3:21 advises parents not to provoke their children but to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. By fostering a supportive atmosphere, you can strengthen your child’s self-esteem and motivate them to excel.
Helping our children with homework from a Christian perspective goes beyond academic assistance. It involves instilling biblical values, nurturing their character, and reinforcing their spiritual foundation. By cultivating diligence, humility, perseverance, and a focus on God, we can guide our children toward academic success while also equipping them to navigate the challenges of life with a faith-filled mindset. May God grant you the wisdom and patience to guide your children in their educational journeys, remembering that you are partners with Him in shaping their futures.

Honouring God With Our Time

Let me know if this sounds familiar, you wake up, get yourself (plus the kids) up to head to school/work, head home, make dinner and just try to have some time to yourself. Being the demands of family, friends, hobbies, exercise and church, it feels like there is never an opportunity to slow down. Time is a precious resource, a gift entrusted to us by God. As Christians, it is essential that we honour God with our time by stewarding it wisely. However, in a world filled with competing demands and distractions, balancing our priorities and serving others can be a challenge. In this blog post, we will explore practical ways to align our time with God’s will, prioritize our commitments, and serve others with love and grace.
Time is a unique resource that God has graciously given us. It is a finite gift, meant to be used purposefully and intentionally. Recognizing that every moment is a precious opportunity to glorify God helps us approach time with a sense of gratitude and responsibility. By viewing time as a gift from God, we can cultivate a mindset of stewardship and make intentional choices in how we use it.
To honour God with our time, it is important to identify our priorities. We must prayerfully discern the areas of life that hold the most significance and align them with God’s will. Priorities may include our relationship with God, nurturing our family, fulfilling our work responsibilities, and personal growth. By clearly defining our priorities, we can make informed decisions on how to allocate our time and energy.
In our fast-paced world, time wasters and distractions can easily consume our days. Excessive screen time, procrastination, and busyness can all hinder our ability to prioritize and serve others effectively. To overcome these challenges, we need to create healthy boundaries and establish disciplined habits. Setting specific goals, practicing time-blocking techniques, and limiting unnecessary distractions can help us make the most of our time and focus on what truly matters.
While serving others is a vital aspect of our Christian faith, it is equally important to prioritize self-care and personal well-being. We cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs enables us to serve others with love and compassion. By finding a healthy balance between self-care and serving, we can sustainably impact the lives of those around us and honour God in the process.
In our pursuit of honouring God with our time, it is essential to seek His guidance and wisdom. Through prayer, reflection, and seeking counsel from wise mentors, we can gain insight and discernment in managing our time effectively. By inviting God into our decision-making process, we can align our priorities with His purposes and experience His peace and guidance as we navigate the complexities of our schedules.
As followers of Christ, we are called to honour God with every aspect of our lives, including our time. By understanding time as a precious gift from God, identifying our priorities, overcoming distractions, and finding a balance between self-care and serving others, we can steward our time in a way that reflects our love for God and love for others. Let us commit ourselves to honour God with our time, making intentional choices that align with His will and extend His grace to those around us.
Remember to customize the blog post to fit your voice, incorporate personal experiences or anecdotes, and conclude with a call to action or reflection for your readers.

Frequently Asked Questions about ANC

As a church, we hear all sorts of questions from those who are new to our church as well as those who have been at our church for years. That’s why we decided to compile this list of frequently asked questions that you can use to learn more about our church and teach others! Comment below any questions you still have about our church!

What is the denomination of the church?
We are a baptist church affiliated with both the Canadian National Baptist Convention (CNBC) and the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ). However, we are not governed by them and are free to make decisions without their input.

What are the regular service times and days of the church?
We have service every Sunday at 10am! You can attend live, watch online @ or listen on radio at KFM 95.5.

Where are you located?
We are located near the downtown core at 414 St Raphael Street. You can identify us easily by the dome-shaped and pyramid-shaped buildings.

What is your mission and values?
Our mission is to help you come to Know the Lord Jesus Christ, Grow spiritually and Go make a difference in our world. Our values are: Warmth of Our Caring (Fellowship), Word in Our Mind (Discipleship), Work of Our Hands (Service), Worship of Our Heart (Worship) and Witness of Our Lives (Mission).

Is there a dress code for attending services?
Not at all! We welcome people no matter what they’re wearing and you’ll see people in their Sunday best as well as casual clothing. Christ welcomes you regardless and so do we!

What programs and activities does the church offer for children and youth?
We have a variety of programming for every age group. Each Sunday we have a nursery open for those 0-Pre K and kid’s church for those JK-grade 6. For those grade 7-12, we have youth ministry every Friday night from 7-9:30pm!

How can I get involved in volunteering or serving at the church?
We wouldn’t be able to do church without a massive team of volunteers! If you would like to begin serving, you can speak to Lynn by emailing her at and she would be happy to match you with an area where you will fit best.

Is there a statement of beliefs or doctrine that the church follows?
Yes there is, and you can find it here: Above all, we believe that the Bible sets the foundation for everything we and believe as a church.

What is the leadership structure of the church?
We are governed by a board of elders, who maintain full financial and human resource control. Much of the day-to-day work is performed by our staff team. You can find out more about our team here:

What can I expect at your services?
Our services are on Sundays and start at 10am and last about 75 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. We then have a message delivered by one of our pastors followed by communion, which you are more than welcome to partake in. Be sure to arrive early and stay a little later to enjoy some community and free coffee!


Volunteer Profile: Bette Choquette

At All Nations Church (ANC), we are immensely grateful for the incredible individuals who selflessly serve and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our community. Today, we are honored to introduce Bette, a dedicated volunteer who has played an instrumental role in our church for over 26 years. Bette’s unwavering commitment and diverse range of service have positively impacted the lives of both staff and congregants, making ANC a place where everyone feels welcome and cared for.
Throughout this extended period, she has continuously offered her time and talents to serve others, exemplifying the true spirit of volunteerism. Bette’s enduring presence in the church community demonstrates her deep connection and devotion to the mission and values of ANC.
Over the years, Bette has assumed various service roles within the church, offering her support wherever needed. From participating in hospitality ministries to contributing to the offering and serving in the Giving Centre, her commitment has been unwavering. Additionally, Bette has taken on significant responsibilities as both the Plunge co-coordinator and the Plunge Volunteer co-ordinator, actively involved in organizing and coordinating meaningful events that impact the lives of individuals within the church and beyond.
When asked about her motivation to serve, Bette highlights her desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Her selfless dedication extends beyond the boundaries of staff and congregants, reaching out to everyone who walks through the doors of ANC. Bette’s compassionate spirit and willingness to lend a helping hand exemplify the core values of ANC and inspire others to follow in her footsteps.
One of the aspects Bette cherishes most about ANC is the welcoming atmosphere that permeates throughout the church. She appreciates the constant striving for improvement, as ANC continuously seeks to create a warm and inclusive environment for all. Bette’s commitment to assisting others and her active involvement in various ministries contribute to fostering this welcoming atmosphere, allowing individuals to feel valued and supported.
To those who may be hesitant about serving, Bette offers words of encouragement. She believes that trying different roles is key, as there are no failures, only opportunities to find the best fit. Bette suggests serving alongside a friend, experimenting with various roles, or shadowing another volunteer to gain insights and discover where one can make the most significant impact. She emphasizes that the ultimate way to find a sense of belonging is by actively making a difference in the lives of others through personal efforts.Bette’s exceptional dedication and versatile service roles have been invaluable to the growth and flourishing of All Nations Church. Her unwavering commitment for over 26 years, her eagerness to make a positive impact, and her involvement in various ministries have touched the lives of countless individuals within the ANC community. Bette’s story is a shining example of the transformative power of volunteerism and serves as an inspiration for all who aspire to contribute their time and talents in service to others. ANC is truly blessed to have Bette as a remarkable volunteer, embodying the spirit of compassion, inclusivity, and genuine care for all.