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In theology, there are certain terms that may sound imposing at first but hold profound significance in understanding the Christian faith. While these terms may seem like theological jargon, delving into their meanings can provide valuable insights into our core beliefs.
Let’s start with justification. At its core, justification is about being declared righteous in the sight of God. It’s the act by which God pardons and accepts sinners as righteous, solely based on the atoning work of Jesus Christ. In other words, through justification, believers are not only forgiven of their sins but also credited with Christ’s righteousness.
The apostle Paul elaborates on this concept in his letters, particularly in Romans and Galatians. He emphasizes that justification is a gift of God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by human works or efforts. This foundational doctrine underscores the belief that salvation is entirely God’s initiative and is accessible to all who place their trust in Jesus.
Moving on to sanctification, this term refers to the ongoing process by which believers are conformed to the image of Christ. While justification deals with our legal standing before God, sanctification deals with our practical holiness and transformation. It’s about being set apart for God’s purposes and growing in obedience to His will.
Sanctification involves the work of the Holy Spirit within the life of a believer, empowering them to live a life that reflects the character of Christ. It’s a journey of spiritual growth, marked by repentance, obedience, and reliance on God’s grace. While sanctification begins at the moment of conversion, it continues throughout the believer’s lifetime, culminating in complete conformity to Christ in eternity.
Finally, glorification completes the trilogy of salvation. Glorification is the ultimate destiny of every believer – to be fully transformed and perfected in the presence of God for all eternity. It is the final stage of salvation, where believers receive glorified bodies and dwell in the presence of God, experiencing His fullness of joy and glory.
Glorification is closely linked to the resurrection of the dead, as described in the New Testament. It’s the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem and restore His creation, eradicating all traces of sin and death. For believers, glorification represents the culmination of their faith journey, where they will enjoy eternal fellowship with God and experience the fullness of His kingdom.
In conclusion, while terms like justification, sanctification, and glorification may seem complex, they are foundational to understanding the Christian faith. Together, they form a coherent narrative of salvation – from the forgiveness of sins to the transformation of lives and the ultimate hope of eternal glory. As believers grasp the depth of these concepts, they are equipped to live out their faith with confidence and assurance, knowing that their salvation is secure in Christ.

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