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God welcomes your questions

Have you ever felt like asking questions about faith makes you a bad Christian? Maybe you’ve wondered why suffering exists, how prayer works, or what a particular passage of Scripture really means. If so, you’re not alone. The good news is that God welcomes your questions.

A Faith That Invites Questions
From the very beginning, God has invited His people into a relationship built on trust and discovery. The Bible is full of people who wrestled with God, sought understanding, and asked hard questions. Job, David, Habakkuk, and even the disciples all expressed doubts and struggles. Instead of turning them away, God met them in their questions.

Jesus Welcomed Questions
Jesus never shied away from the tough questions people asked Him. When Nicodemus came to Him at night, unsure of what it meant to be born again (John 3), Jesus didn’t dismiss him—He engaged with him. When Thomas doubted the resurrection, Jesus didn’t rebuke him but invited him to see and believe (John 20:27). Jesus meets us where we are, even in our uncertainty.

Faith Isn’t Blind
Faith isn’t about ignoring doubts or pretending we have all the answers. It’s about seeking truth and trusting that God is big enough to handle our questions. Proverbs 2:3-5 encourages us to seek wisdom and understanding as though searching for hidden treasure. Our questions can actually deepen our faith when they lead us closer to God.

How to Ask Questions in a Healthy Way
1. Bring Your Questions to God – Pray honestly. He knows your thoughts already, so invite Him into your search for truth.
2. Seek Wise Counsel – Talk to pastors, mentors, and fellow believers who can help guide you through Scripture.
3. Study the Word – The Bible has stood the test of time and is full of answers for those who seek them.
4. Be Open to Growth – Sometimes, we don’t get the answer we want right away. Faith is a journey, and God shapes us through it.

God is Not Afraid of Your Questions
No matter what you’re wrestling with, God is not intimidated by your doubts. He invites you to seek, knock, and ask (Matthew 7:7), and He promises to be found. So, don’t be afraid to bring your questions to Him—He welcomes them, and He welcomes you.

What questions have you been afraid to ask? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to walk this journey by yourself. Let’s seek Him together.


Responding to Unanswered Prayers

We’ve all been there—pouring out our hearts to God, asking for healing, guidance, or a breakthrough, only to be met with what seems like silence. It can be frustrating, discouraging, and even faith-shaking. If God loves us, why doesn’t He answer? Does He even hear?

The Reality of Unanswered Prayers

The Bible is filled with stories of faithful people who experienced seasons of unanswered prayers. The Apostle Paul pleaded with God to remove his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7-9), yet God’s answer was not removal but sufficient grace. Even Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked if the cup of suffering could pass from Him, but He ultimately surrendered to the Father’s will (Luke 22:42).

God’s silence does not mean He is absent or indifferent. Often, unanswered prayers are not truly unanswered—they are answered in ways we do not expect or understand. Sometimes, the answer is “not yet” or even “no” because God sees the bigger picture that we cannot comprehend.

Why Doesn’t God Answer the Way We Want?

1. God’s Timing is Different from Ours
We want quick solutions, but God operates outside of our timelines. What seems like a delay is often preparation for something greater.

2. God Knows What is Best
Just as a loving parent won’t give a child something harmful, God sometimes withholds what we ask for because He has something better in store.

3. God Uses Waiting to Grow Our Faith
Faith is not about getting what we want but trusting in who God is. Seasons of waiting teach us dependence, patience, and perseverance.

4. God is Working Behind the Scenes
Just because we don’t see an immediate result doesn’t mean God isn’t moving. Many times, His work is invisible to us until much later.

How Do We Trust God When Prayers Seem Unanswered?

– Keep Praying – Jesus encouraged persistence in prayer (Luke 18:1-8). Even when it feels futile, keep bringing your requests before God.
– Remember God’s Faithfulness – Reflect on times in the past when He has provided, even if it wasn’t in the way you expected.
– Trust in His Character – God is good, loving, and sovereign. If He withholds something, it is out of wisdom and love.
– Surrender to His Will – Like Jesus in Gethsemane, pray with open hands, trusting that God’s will is ultimately best.

Hope Beyond the Silence

God’s silence is not rejection. Sometimes, what we see as unanswered prayers are actually the groundwork for something greater than we could imagine. Our role is not to understand everything but to trust the One who does. Even in the waiting, even in the silence, He is working—and He is with us.

What prayers are you waiting on God for? How can you trust Him more in the process?

Making every day more like family day

Family Day is a special time to pause, connect, and celebrate the people who matter most. But what if we didn’t wait for a designated holiday to cherish our loved ones? What if every day felt a little more like Family Day? Here are some practical ways to bring the warmth, connection, and joy of Family Day into your everyday life.

1. Prioritize Quality Time
In the hustle of daily responsibilities, intentional quality time can slip away. Schedule regular family dinners, game nights, or weekend outings to nurture relationships. Even a few minutes of undivided attention can strengthen bonds.

2. Unplug and Be Present
Technology often distracts us from meaningful interactions. Set boundaries for screen time, especially during meals or shared activities. Create phone-free zones where conversations and laughter take center stage.

3. Create Meaningful Traditions
Family traditions give life a sense of rhythm and belonging. Whether it’s a Sunday brunch, bedtime stories, or a weekly check-in, small traditions make big memories.

4. Show Appreciation Daily
A simple “thank you” or a handwritten note can make a huge impact. Make it a habit to express gratitude and recognize each other’s efforts. Words of encouragement build an environment of love and respect.

5. Make Time for Play
Laughter and play shouldn’t be reserved for special occasions. Engage in activities that bring joy—whether it’s board games, sports, or a spontaneous dance party in the living room. Having fun together strengthens relationships.

6. Support Each Other
Life’s challenges are easier to face with a strong support system. Be there for one another, whether through words of encouragement, helping with chores, or simply lending a listening ear. Celebrating successes and comforting each other in tough times fosters a strong family bond.

7. Serve Together
Giving back as a family builds empathy and unity. Volunteer at a local charity, help a neighbor, or engage in acts of kindness together. Serving others brings a shared sense of purpose and fulfillment.

8. Be Intentional About Conversations
Take time to check in with each other beyond surface-level conversations. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and create a space where everyone feels heard and valued.

9. Balance Work and Home Life
Striking a balance between career and family is essential. Set boundaries with work commitments, and make sure family time isn’t always overshadowed by professional responsibilities.

10. Celebrate the Ordinary
Not every day will be a grand celebration, but even the simplest moments can be special. Enjoy morning coffee together, appreciate the beauty of everyday routines, and find joy in the little things.

By incorporating these small but meaningful habits, we can turn every day into an opportunity to cherish our families. Let’s make the warmth and togetherness of Family Day a year-round experience!


All Nations Church Cares

All Nations Church has a long history of being involved in the Sudbury community. Here are just a few initiatives we have run that have made a tangible difference to those most in need.
The Landmark
All Nations Housing Corporation operates the Landmark, a low-income and senior apartment complex with over 60 units. Founded by All Nations Church in 1993, it has become an important part of housing options in Sudbury.
All Nations Children Centre
We operated a multi-site child care centre for 23 years, offering jobs and full-day care for families all over the city.
Camp Norland
To provide a safe, fun experience for kids and teens over the summer, we partnered with other Northern churches to form Camp Norland located in Verner.
All Nations Counselling Services
To meet the mental health needs of our community, we started All Nations Counselling Services. With qualified counsellors and social workers, we addressed anxiety, depression, divorce and grief and helped people move to health.
Peace Tower
Being inspired by the late Pastor Jeremy Mahood, Dario Zulich spearheaded the building of the Peace Tower to help solve Sudbury’s housing problem. With 38 units, it helps the most vulnerable of Sudbury have somewhere they can call home.
Out of the Cold Dinners
In partnership with other Downtown Churches, we ran and supported dinners in the winter season for the most vulnerable. We provided a warm meal in a loving atmosphere to anyone who came through the doors.
Church plants
Recognizing the important part that churches can play in a community, we have planted churches across Northern Ontario, including in Wanup and Britt.
First Steps
First Steps was a program located in downtown Sudbury to help people who were wanting to take steps in their recovery from substance abuse or incarceration.
Community Hub
Recognizing the value of our building, we seek to be a hub for community events. From musical experiences, to support groups and everything in between, we unite the community through shared moments.
The Breakthrough Centre
For over 10 years, The Breakthrough Centre provided a safe space for vulnerable and homeless youth, along with a residence for boys 16-24 enrolled in upgrading programs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters has impacted the lives of dozens of young people facing adversity in the area. Each year we aim to provide backpacks full of school supplies and Christmas gifts to those who a part of their programs.
Elgin Street Mission
The Elgin Street Mission forms an important part of Sudbury’s support network for the vulnerable population. To support this organization, we have provided more than 100,000 cookies for guests and have had dozens of volunteers to serve weekly, monthly and for specific projects.
Mission trips
We have made trips to areas in need to provide support including Belize, New York, the Dominican Republic, Northern Ontario and Los Angeles. On these trips we have provided medicine, food and labour for necessary projects.
To Louis Street with Love
We created gift baskets for families living on Louis Street who were in need of Christmas Hampers. This initiative was started by a congregation member who had a heart for the downtown core.
Teddy Bear Campaign
Recognizing how stressful it is for kids in emergency situations, we pushed for police, fire and ambulance to carry teddy bears with them to calm children during tragedies. This has since been something that emergency services across Ontario do, in partnership with the Police Retirees of Ontario.
Cops for Kids
We started Cops for Kids to improve relationships between children in the community and police. We taught life skills, leadership and sports to see children meet their fullest potential.
We played an important role in expanding the Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services into the Sudbury region. Now called Sudbury & Area Victim Services, this program aims to help victims in the immediate aftermath of a crime or tragedy. This includes handling expenses, counselling, and more.
Mountain of Mittens
For the past 10 years, we have partnered with schools across the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts to provide hats and mitts to children in need. Most recently, we have seen the need in our community increase to include over 1,500 children across the region.

How can we grow in our trust of God?

Trusting God is foundational to our faith, yet it is something that many of us struggle with. We live in a world filled with uncertainty, challenges, and disappointments, which can make trusting in an unseen God feel difficult. However, Scripture repeatedly calls us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-6). So, how can we grow in our trust of God? Here are five practical ways to develop deeper trust in Him.

1. Know Who God Is
Trust is built on knowledge. If we don’t truly know who God is, how can we trust Him? The Bible reveals His character: He is faithful (Lamentations 3:22-23), good (Psalm 34:8), sovereign (Romans 8:28), and loving (1 John 4:16). Spending time in Scripture helps us understand His nature and strengthens our confidence in Him.

2. Reflect on God’s Faithfulness
One of the most powerful ways to grow in trust is to remember how God has been faithful in the past. The Israelites were often called to remember what God had done for them (Deuteronomy 7:9). Take time to reflect on the ways God has provided, guided, and sustained you. Keeping a prayer journal can be a helpful way to document His faithfulness over time.

3. Spend Time in Prayer
Prayer is an expression of trust. When we pray, we acknowledge that we need God’s help and that He is in control. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring everything to God in prayer, and in return, He will give us peace. Regular communication with God strengthens our relationship with Him and deepens our trust.

4. Obey Even When It’s Hard
Trusting God means stepping out in faith even when we don’t fully understand. Abraham trusted God when he left his homeland (Genesis 12:1-4), and Peter trusted Jesus when he stepped out of the boat (Matthew 14:29). As we obey God in small steps, our trust in Him grows because we see His faithfulness in action.

5. Surround Yourself with Encouragement
Trusting God becomes easier when we are surrounded by others who do the same. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us to encourage one another in faith. Being part of a church community, joining a Bible study, or simply sharing testimonies with friends can strengthen our faith and remind us that we are not alone.

Trusting God is a journey that requires intentionality and faith. By knowing who God is, remembering His faithfulness, praying, obeying, and surrounding ourselves with encouragement, we can grow in our trust in Him. As we take steps of faith, we will experience the peace and assurance that comes from fully relying on God.

What step can you take today to grow in your trust of God?


How to respond to questions from your children that you can’t answer

Parenting is full of moments that catch us off guard. One of the most humbling is when our kids ask a question, and we simply don’t know the answer. It could be something about faith, life, or even science (why do giraffes have long necks, anyway?). When it comes to questions about God, the Bible, or deeper life issues, those moments can feel especially weighty.

The good news? You don’t have to have all the answers. Let’s explore how to navigate these moments with grace, humility, and faith.

Don’t Assume Skepticism
When your child asks, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” or “How do we know the Bible is true?” it’s tempting to panic, thinking they’re on the verge of losing their faith. But kids are naturally curious. Often, their questions come from a place of genuine wonder, not doubt.

Instead of assuming the worst, lean into their curiosity. Celebrate that they’re thinking deeply and trust that God is big enough to handle their questions (and yours!).

Don’t Dismiss the Question with Cliché Answers
It’s easy to fall back on stock phrases like “We just have to trust God” or “God works in mysterious ways.” While these are true, they often shut down the conversation rather than inviting your child to explore further.

Instead, acknowledge their question. Say something like, “That’s a great question—I’ve wondered about that too.” This shows that you take their thoughts seriously and invites more dialogue.

Don’t Over-Answer the Question
Sometimes, in our eagerness to give a good answer, we unload everything we know on the subject. The result? A glazed-over child and a missed opportunity to truly connect.

Keep it simple. Answer what you can in an age-appropriate way and leave space for more questions. If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to say, “I don’t know, but let’s explore it together.”

Don’t Assume Answers Will Satisfy
Even if you manage to give the most thorough, thoughtful answer, your child might still respond with, “But why?” or “That doesn’t make sense.” And that’s okay. Faith is a journey, and answers often lead to more questions.

Your role isn’t to have all the answers but to walk alongside your child as they wrestle with big ideas. Let them know it’s okay not to have everything figured out—most adults don’t either!

Make Your Home a Place to Raise Doubts
Create an environment where it’s safe to ask hard questions. Be honest about your own doubts or the things you’re still learning. This doesn’t weaken your faith in their eyes; it makes it real and relatable.

Let your children know they won’t be judged or dismissed for voicing their struggles. When they feel safe to share, you’re building a foundation of trust that will last long into their adult years.

At the heart of these principles is one simple truth: parenting isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being present. When you don’t have the answers, your willingness to engage and learn alongside your child speaks volumes about the God you’re teaching them to trust.

So next time your child stumps you with a question, take a deep breath, lean in, and enjoy the adventure of discovering together. You might both grow in faith along the way.

What’s the toughest question your child has ever asked? Share in the comments—we’re all in this together!

How Should We Pray for Our Leaders?

As Christians, we are called to be people of prayer, lifting up every aspect of our lives and our world to God. Among the most challenging but essential areas of prayer is interceding for our leaders—both those we agree with and those we don’t. In a polarized world, this practice is not only countercultural but also deeply transformative. Let’s explore why and how we should pray for those in authority.

The Biblical Call to Pray for Leaders

The Bible provides clear instructions about praying for our leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul writes:

> “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

Paul’s words remind us that praying for our leaders isn’t optional; it’s integral to our witness and our hope for a flourishing society. Importantly, Paul wrote these words during a time when Christians faced persecution under Roman rulers. His call to prayer wasn’t based on the character or policies of the leaders but on the sovereignty of God, who holds all authority in His hands.

Why Pray for Leaders We Disagree With?

1. Obedience to God: Praying for leaders, regardless of our personal views, is an act of submission to God’s command. It demonstrates trust that He is ultimately in control.

2. Shaping Our Hearts: Prayer softens our hearts toward others, including those we struggle to understand or accept. It reminds us that every leader is a person made in the image of God, in need of His wisdom and grace.

3. Seeking the Common Good: Leaders, whether they share our values or not, wield significant influence over policies and decisions that affect countless lives. Our prayers can invite God’s guidance and justice into those decisions.

4. Demonstrating Christ’s Love: Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44). By praying for leaders we disagree with, we model the radical love and humility of Christ.

How to Pray for Leaders

1. Pray for Wisdom and Discernment: Ask God to grant leaders the insight to make just and compassionate decisions, prioritizing the well-being of the people they serve.

2. Pray for Integrity and Accountability: Pray that leaders would act with honesty and transparency, resisting corruption and selfish ambition.

3. Pray for Strength and Protection: Leading is often a difficult and isolating task. Pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of those in authority.

4. Pray for Unity and Peace: Ask God to use leaders as instruments of reconciliation and harmony, especially in times of division.

5. Pray for Salvation: If a leader does not know Christ, pray that they would encounter His love and truth. Ultimately, this is the greatest need of every human heart.

A Challenge to All of Us

Praying for our leaders—especially those we don’t agree with—requires humility and faith. It means setting aside bitterness and cynicism, trusting that God can work through anyone to accomplish His purposes. Let’s take up this challenge with confidence, knowing that our prayers make a difference.

As we intercede for our leaders, we participate in God’s redemptive work in the world. May our prayers not only bless those in authority but also transform us into people who reflect Christ’s love and grace.

Let’s commit today to pray fervently, trusting that the God who hears our prayers is also the God who rules over all.


Meet our Life Group Leaders

Steve and Helen Townend

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
We both felt that we had something that we could give in terms of teaching and leading.
We have led groups for a number of years both in our home and at church.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
Steve is now retired and loves reading and doing puzzles. Helen teaches painting and drawing
part time. We have 3 children, one son who lives at home with us and two daughters, one married,
who live away from home.
3. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
Our typical format is an introductory time – general chit chat (5 mins), watch the video and
participate in the discussion (however long that takes) and finish with a prayer time (5 to 10
minutes). The longest we meet is usually about 1 hour 30 minutes.
4. Who is your group best suited for?
Our group is open to anyone
5. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
I think that the life groups that we have hosted or participated in have either challenged us in
some way or have prompted in us a desire to see a certain topic discussed as we believe it could
have an impact on the lives of people.
6. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
We hope that people doing this course will be challenged in their generosity and in their faith in


Stephen and Nathalie Ritchie

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Belief that we all need fellowship, discipleship, and spiritual growth beyond the weekly
Sunday services
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
Nathalie is a retired school teacher, and I am a professor at Laurentian University in the School of
Kinesiology and Heath Sciences. We have two adult children, Tristan and Ixta. Tristan is married
to Rebecca and they have blessed us with two grandchildren, Iris and Lottie. We are avid outdoor
adventurers, explorers, and gardeners, marveling at God’s creation as much as we can!
3. What makes your life group unique?
Our Life Group is unique for several reasons. We are a Family LG where children of all ages are
welcome, although we don’t provide specific programming for them. They can play amongst
themselves or join the adults for discussion and prayer. We are also unique because there are two
hosts and leaders, Grace Ma and the Ritchies and the host site alternates between our homes. We
also meet on Friday from 7-9pm approximately every second week.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
The evening usually begins with fellowship, and then a themed bible study, and ending with a
prayer time.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Our group has marveled over the answer to prayer that has occurred.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
We hope that group members will deepen their relationship with Jesus, grow in their faith, and
develop deeper relationships with each other as we fellowship together.

Michelle Ross

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Being a participant in a LG in each of the 6 countries we have lived in has been a life line for
me and so was led to give back when the opportunity arose to volunteer to be a leader
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
My Husband Alistair and I have been married for 43 years and we have 2 sons and a
daughter. We are also thrilled to be grandparents to a 10 year old step grandson and 3
granddaughters under the age of 5. I graduated as an elementary school teacher in
Zimbabwe and have either worked, substituted or volunteered in the school systems that
our children attended. I enjoy cooking from scratch, playing golf, swimming and walking
with friends.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Being a stay at home mum when our children were young has given me an empathy for mums
who are currently in the same position. So our group allows a safe place for us to discuss the
loneliness that often comes with this, our marriages and supporting each other as we raise our
children through all their stages of development. As we study the word together, we grow in the
Lord and long lasting friendships occur.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
Coffee or tea time as we arrive, watch the Video if we have one for our topic series, discuss the
study notes and end in prayer.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Best suited for ladies who are mums under 55 and wanting to grow in the Lord
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Meeting in a small group has challenged me to form new relationships often with strangers, held
me accountable to growing in the Lord so that I can live abundantly wherever I am planted. It
has brought me so much Joy over the years and filled my love tank!
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
Confidence to live as a child of God in this ever changing world. Where they can share the Good
news easily, love others abundantly, be peacemakers and also become leaders.

Kathryn Irwin-Seguin

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
I attended a Life Group in fall of 2017 and my Life Group leader suggested that she thought
I would be a good Life Group leader. I had enjoyed the experience of being part of a Life
Group and prayed about it and put my name forward.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
I am married with 3 step-grandchildren and 1 step-great-grandchild. My step-son passed away in
2007, after being hit by a drunk driver. I am the former director of Monarch Recovery Services, an
agency that provided services for men and women struggling with substance abuse.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Michelle Ross and I co-lead the 2 groups which meet simultaneously on Wednesday mornings
and study the same content. We love to laugh and sing and have forged strong friendships/bonds
within our groups.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We start with coffee time, open in prayer, sing and then split into separate groups to discuss the
lesson and then spend time in prayer requests from the members of the group.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Women. We have members aged 40 – 95, new Christians and long-term Christians, all looking to
fellowship with other women in the church.
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
I do a lot of research for each study and I like to provide the context of when and why the
scriptures we are studying. Consequently, I have learned so much from the research, but also
from other members of the group and their perspectives and what the scriptures can teach us
about the times we live in.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
Increased knowledge of our God, His love, what it means to live the Christian life and the wisdom
of the Bible. As well, fellowship with other women and learning to love each other as Christ
admonished us.

Grace Ma

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Michelle, a neighbor on my lake, was leading life groups in her home at the time. She
prayed with me about it several times, and I felt called to open my home for life group
families. Initially, we co-hosted, which was incredibly helpful as Michelle’s experience
provided valuable guidance. Currently, I co-host with the Ritchies, which works well given
my work schedule, as it doesn’t allow for many weeks off.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
My biological family includes my daughter Christina and me. Over the pandemic, we leaned
heavily on what I call my “Sudbury family”—our neighbors and friends. Finding a church family
has been a blessing, helping Christina grow spiritually while giving me opportunities to nurture
love within the community where I work. Professionally, I am a doctor at the hospital, so my
schedule often involves shift work and weekend call coverage, which keeps me away from the
church family at times.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Our group is open and welcoming to anyone in a family—which includes everyone! We welcome
mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, grandparents, kids, and friends. When I was
looking for a life group, I couldn’t find one that worked for both my daughter and me during nonwork
and non-school hours. Spending quality time with her is a priority, and this inclusive familycentered
group allows us to share in spiritual growth together.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We meet twice a month on Fridays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Members are encouraged to have
dinner beforehand but are welcome to bring a light snack. Our meetings start with a prayer,
followed by fellowship time, a short Bible study, and a closing prayer. After prayer, we enjoy
snacks and fellowship until around 9:00 or 9:30 PM.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Our group welcomes anyone from ages 1 to 100, at any life stage, who is interested in building
relationships, strengthening their spiritual walk through prayer, and learning how to cultivate a
strong family unit.
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Being part of a life group has been instrumental in finding a sense of belonging within the church
community. It has given me the opportunity to meet people I wouldn’t otherwise have
encountered. Hosting this group of prayer warriors in my home is a blessing. Witnessing
answered prayers through this life group has been both refreshing and renewing for my faith.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
I hope members will find a welcoming group of believers who can support them in their spiritual
growth and faith journey.

Gerry Lougheed Jr.

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
I am leading this Life Group because I feel “The Chosen” video helps us better understand
and appreciate Jesus’ ministries and His followers.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
I have lay preached in the Sudbury area for over 50 years. I am the President of Lougheed’s
Funeral Home. I take bike treks all over the place.
3. What makes your life group unique?
The chemistry within our group is amazing producing a spiritual synergy of enlightenment and
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We start at 6:30 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. We have review from last week, watch an episode, reflect
on what we watched using the workbook provided and we include music and prayer!
5. Who is your group best suited for?
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
It has been awesome, truly making me better love being “Chosen.”
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
They will better appreciate how Jesus truly was a shepherd, teacher, preacher and Saviour. We
take Jesus out of the stain glass window and make Him a friend and family member.

Celebrating 2024

As we approach the end of 2024, it is with hearts full of gratitude that we look back on all the incredible ways God has been moving through All Nations Church this past year. Together, we have so much to celebrate and give thanks for.

Growth in Our Congregation

– Highest Attended Sunday: This year, we experienced our highest attended Sunday service with 509 people gathering to worship together.
– Connect Cards Filled Out: We welcomed 151 individuals who took the step to fill out connect cards, expressing their desire to become part of our church family.
– Youth Attendance Doubled: Our youth ministry has flourished, with attendance doubling and creating a vibrant space for young people to grow in their faith.
– Life Group Attendance Tripled: Our Life Groups have become a cornerstone for community and spiritual growth, with participation tripling this year.
– Regular Attendance in Kids Ministry Rising: Our kids ministry continues to thrive, with more children regularly participating each week.

Lives Transformed

– 52 Baptisms: We rejoiced as 52 individuals publicly declared their faith in Christ through baptism.
– Increased Evangelism and Training: Participation in evangelism efforts and training through programs like ShareWord has grown, equipping our congregation to share the gospel with confidence.

Serving Our Community

– Living Nativity: Over 1,500 people attended the Living Nativity, experiencing the true meaning of Christmas through this beautiful tradition.
– Mountain of Mittens: Together, we collected over 1,500 hats and mittens, which were delivered to 24 organizations across the city to help those in need.
– Elgin Street Mission Support: From night sponsorships and Cookies for Christ to hosting Summer BBQs, we’ve had the privilege of serving alongside the Elgin Street Mission to bless our community.
– Big Brothers/Big Sisters Backpacks: Our church collected 55 backpacks filled with supplies to support children through Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
– Kids Ministry Food Drive: Our kids ministry led a successful food drive, teaching our children the joy of giving back.

Strengthening Our Church Family

– Volunteers: Over 140 individuals are actively serving in regular volunteer roles, ensuring that every ministry is thriving.
– Church-Wide Meals: We came together as a church family to share five sponsored meals, deepening our connections and celebrating fellowship.
– Building Upgrades: Our physical space has seen multiple improvements, creating an even more welcoming environment for worship and ministry.

Financial Blessings

– Revenue Increase: Through faithful giving, our total revenue increased by 7%, enabling us to expand our ministry efforts and impact.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on 2024, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and the power of His work through His people. Let us carry this momentum into 2025, continuing to grow, serve, and share His love with our community and beyond.

Thank you, All Nations Church, for your faithfulness, generosity, and dedication to making Jesus known. Here’s to another year of transformation and blessing!


The Gift of Love

All of us long for love. Whether in friendships, family, or romantic relationships, there’s a deep desire within us for love that fills the heart and soul. Yet, particularly during this time of year, we can fall into the trap of measuring love by what we receive.

How often do we hear it? “Their gift wasn’t as good as mine.” Or worse, “They didn’t spend enough. They must not love me.” Our world has a tendency to reduce love to transactions. But deep within, we know this isn’t the kind of love we’re truly longing for.

The love we crave cannot be satisfied by gifts, objects, or even other people. Human love, as beautiful as it is, has limits. It will one day fade. But there is a love that is eternal, unending, and unshakable: God’s love.

God’s love is not merely an emotion or a gift He gives. It’s His very essence. When we experience His love, we’re receiving something far deeper—a piece of His nature. As 1 John 4:8 reminds us, “God is love.”

At Christmas, we see this love in action: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This familiar verse is the heart of the gospel. God’s love is not surprising because the world is so big; it’s surprising because the world is so broken.

Even though we’re sinners, undeserving of His grace, God’s love bridges the gap between His holiness and our sinfulness. Through Jesus, we’re not condemned but saved. His birth, life, death, and resurrection were all acts of love meant to redeem us and invite us into a relationship with Him.

This love is personal. It’s not just for the world at large but for you. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, including Judas, the one who would betray Him. That’s the kind of love God offers—unconditional, sacrificial, and full of grace.

This Christmas, let’s remember that love isn’t about what we give or receive but about the Savior who gave everything for us. The greatest gift we can offer is to reflect His love by serving others, forgiving freely, and sharing the hope found in Christ.

*For God so loved the world. For God so loved you.* That’s what we celebrate at Christmas.