All Nations Church has a long history of being involved in the Sudbury community. Here are just a few initiatives we have run that have made a tangible difference to those most in need.
The Landmark
All Nations Housing Corporation operates the Landmark, a low-income and senior apartment complex with over 60 units. Founded by All Nations Church in 1993, it has become an important part of housing options in Sudbury.
All Nations Children Centre
We operated a multi-site child care centre for 23 years, offering jobs and full-day care for families all over the city.
Camp Norland
To provide a safe, fun experience for kids and teens over the summer, we partnered with other Northern churches to form Camp Norland located in Verner.
All Nations Counselling Services
To meet the mental health needs of our community, we started All Nations Counselling Services. With qualified counsellors and social workers, we addressed anxiety, depression, divorce and grief and helped people move to health.
Peace Tower
Being inspired by the late Pastor Jeremy Mahood, Dario Zulich spearheaded the building of the Peace Tower to help solve Sudbury’s housing problem. With 38 units, it helps the most vulnerable of Sudbury have somewhere they can call home.
Out of the Cold Dinners
In partnership with other Downtown Churches, we ran and supported dinners in the winter season for the most vulnerable. We provided a warm meal in a loving atmosphere to anyone who came through the doors.
Church plants
Recognizing the important part that churches can play in a community, we have planted churches across Northern Ontario, including in Wanup and Britt.
First Steps
First Steps was a program located in downtown Sudbury to help people who were wanting to take steps in their recovery from substance abuse or incarceration.
Community Hub
Recognizing the value of our building, we seek to be a hub for community events. From musical experiences, to support groups and everything in between, we unite the community through shared moments.
The Breakthrough Centre
For over 10 years, The Breakthrough Centre provided a safe space for vulnerable and homeless youth, along with a residence for boys 16-24 enrolled in upgrading programs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters has impacted the lives of dozens of young people facing adversity in the area. Each year we aim to provide backpacks full of school supplies and Christmas gifts to those who a part of their programs.
Elgin Street Mission
The Elgin Street Mission forms an important part of Sudbury’s support network for the vulnerable population. To support this organization, we have provided more than 100,000 cookies for guests and have had dozens of volunteers to serve weekly, monthly and for specific projects.
Mission trips
We have made trips to areas in need to provide support including Belize, New York, the Dominican Republic, Northern Ontario and Los Angeles. On these trips we have provided medicine, food and labour for necessary projects.
To Louis Street with Love
We created gift baskets for families living on Louis Street who were in need of Christmas Hampers. This initiative was started by a congregation member who had a heart for the downtown core.
Teddy Bear Campaign
Recognizing how stressful it is for kids in emergency situations, we pushed for police, fire and ambulance to carry teddy bears with them to calm children during tragedies. This has since been something that emergency services across Ontario do, in partnership with the Police Retirees of Ontario.
Cops for Kids
We started Cops for Kids to improve relationships between children in the community and police. We taught life skills, leadership and sports to see children meet their fullest potential.
We played an important role in expanding the Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Services into the Sudbury region. Now called Sudbury & Area Victim Services, this program aims to help victims in the immediate aftermath of a crime or tragedy. This includes handling expenses, counselling, and more.
Mountain of Mittens
For the past 10 years, we have partnered with schools across the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts to provide hats and mitts to children in need. Most recently, we have seen the need in our community increase to include over 1,500 children across the region.