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Week of November 14th, 2021

By November 12, 2021Life Group Notes

All Nations Church

Life Group Study

Your Ordinary becomes His Extraordinary

Week of November 14th, 2021

Study by Wayne Arcand


When we are in the midst of our troubles, it may be difficult to see the hand of God working to protect us, guide us, provide for us and bring about an outcome that glorifies him. But, when we look back, we can often point to specific events or turning points that brought us to where you are now – a child of God saved by grace. The life of Moses is very interesting in that we can look back and see God moulding and shaping his life to be ready to fulfill the task of leading God’s people out of a life of slavery.


We will explore some of the events that shaped Moses life.


  1. Read Exodus Chapter 2 to give the background for this study.
    1. What was happening in Egypt at that time?
    2. Who were the parents of Moses?
    3. Does it strike you as odd that the daughter of Pharoah would want to raise a Hebrew baby that was found hidden in the reeds?
      1. What do you think would have motivated her?


  1. In Exodus 2:11-22, what might you learn about the character of Moses at that time?
    1. What does verse 22 suggest about Moses state of mind?


  1. In Exodus 2:23-25, we learn some key characteristics of God.
    1. What are they?
    2. What have you learned that might apply to your life or situation?


Exodus 3:

Too often we are so focused on us and our problems that we don’t take the time to see the big picture, the God picture. Perhaps our focus should be on, what does God want to do through me as a result of my situation?


  1. How did God get Moses attention?


  1. What do verses 4 to 6 tell us:
    1. About God?
    2. About Moses?


  1. There are some key phrases in verses 7 to 10 that tell us a lot about how God works. Identify each of these key phrases and describe what they tell us about God.
    1. Describe the progression in the actions that God took.
    2. Is there an important principle in verse 10?
      1. If yes, does it still apply today?
      2. Can you give examples?


  1. What do you learn about Moses in verses 11 to 15?
    1. Can you identify with Moses?
    2. How did God respond to Moses questions?
      1. What lesson is there for us in this exchange between God and Moses?


  1. What life lessons do you think Moses would have learned living the life of a shepherd?
    1. How would this have compared to living a life as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter?
    2. What skills do you think he might have learned while living in Pharaoh’s household?


  1. Discuss how Moses life experiences shaped him for the task God was calling him to.


  1. We are all at different stages of our walk with the Lord. Some of us are just starting out. Some have been on the journey for some time. The Lord has a general calling for us as his children, but he may also have a specific calling using the spiritual gifts and abilities he has given us. God spoke to Moses from the burning bush. He spoke to Nehemiah by giving him a concern for his people.
    1. How does God speak to us now?
      1. Is it more likely to be a Moses or a Nehemiah experience?
      2. How do we know that the Lord may be calling us to do something?
    2. Has the Lord called you to a specific area of service – in your church or perhaps in the community? What has he given you a concern for?
    3. What spiritual gifts or abilities has he given you that would allow you to do what he is laying on your heart?


For Personal Reflection:

What is my response when God lays it on my heart to do something? Do I react like Moses when he said, “who am I that I should go”? or do I react with the response of Isaiah when he said, “here I am, send me”? What makes the difference in how I respond to God’s call on my life?