Welcome To Sudbury

Resources for those brand new to Sudbury

All Nations Church is proud of the large, diverse population that Sudbury boasts! We understand that moving to a new country can be challenging, and downright scary sometimes.

Below you will find a variety of resources to help you navigate our city!


Settlement Services

Connecting with Settlement Services upon arriving in Sudbury is a great first step. In Sudbury, there are two main settlement agencies that can assist you.


  1. YMCA – Their services are free, confidential, and culturally sensitive. Their multi-lingual settlement staff work together with community partners to help you build a personalized settlement plan, and meet your needs. Reach out to them at newcomer_info@ymcaneo.ca or 705-674-2324.


To help you settle in Sudbury, their team will:

-Carry out a needs assessment to discover the level of services that  you require

-Create settlement plans that are developed based on your individual needs

-Deliver information sessions to help you learn about living in Sudbury (money, culture, weather, and other things you want to know)

– Guide you to community agencies, programs and services

-Organize (or arrange for) language assessments and refer eligible candidates to LINC

-Offer English Conversation Circles

– Offer welcoming community activities


  1. The Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Association – They work toward building bridges between Newcomers and existing services identifying problems and solving them. They also provide multicultural & cross cultural services to the communities. They will provide assistance in using government services, education, housing, translation/interpretation and receiving proper identification. To reach out to them, email SMFAA@cyberbeach.net or call 705-674-0795.



With rising costs due to inflation, housing and renting can be expensive. The main rent-geared-to-income program in Sudbury is run by the Greater Sudbury Housing Corporation. In order to be eligible for this program you must be a permanent resident or have applied for your permanent residency. Other property rental companies to look at are: Panoramic Properties, Zulich Rentals, Rock Solid Property Management and The Jordan Group. We also recommend finding yourself a reliable real estate agent who can work with you to find the best place for you to live!



DAYCARE  for Childcare aged 0-4


OneHSN – Sudbury Child Care Application

PHONE: 1:705-674-4455 ext.4279

EMAIL: childrenservices@greatersudbury.ca



There are 4 school boards in Sudbury offering schooling for JK (3-4 years old) to Grade 12 (17-18 years old)

  • Rainbow District School Board (Public English & French Immersion Programs)
  • Sudbury Catholic District School Board (Catholic English & French Immersion Programs)
  • Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon (Catholic French programs)
  • Conseil scolaire du Grand Nord (Public French programs)
  • Sudbury Catholic District School Board (Catholic English & French Immersion Programs)

Sudbury Student Services Consortium (Buses)

PHONE: 1-705-521-1234


Note: if you plan on homeschooling your child, you must register with a school board and submit an intent to home school



Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology – Immigration Advising Office Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm, Floor 2, Room 2207

PHONE: 1-800-461-7145 ext.7841


Collège Boréal – Services en établissement

EMAIL: imm.sudbury@collegeboreal.ca

PHONE: 1-705-918-5045


Laurentian University – International Student Services

OFFICE: International Programs, 2nd floor Parker, P-210

PHONE: 1-705-675-1151



YMCA – Immigration services

Settlement Worker in the Schools – Alicia Rowat

OFFICE: 10 Elm St #132, Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 5N3 (Elm Place)

PHONE: 1-705-921-6921
EMAIL: newcomer-info@ymcaneo.ca


LINC Sudbury – Language Learning Services

OFFICE: 85 Larch Street, Sudbury, ON, P3E 1B8

PHONE: 1-705-675-8405

EMAIL: linc@lincsudbury.ca


*Please be sure to follow all regulations set forth by your permits and visas.

There are a number of employment agencies that can assist you in finding work. These include: Spark Employment, Employment Options, Northern Vocational Services and YMCA Employment Services. Many of these will assist in giving you skills and training needed by employers, writing resumes and preparing for interviews. Major employers in Sudbury that you can also investigate include Day Construction, Vale, Health Sciences North, Cambrian College and Xstrata.


In order to access free healthcare in Ontario, you must be covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Obtaining coverage has numerous requirements but can be done while on a work permit if working full-time. Please consult ontario.ca for more details. Employers may also provide benefits to access healthcare, and all post-secondary institutions will offer it to their students


The YMCA provides free mental health care for all immigrants that is confidential and personalized. As well, The Youth Wellness Hub located in the YMCA provides free physical and mental health care for everyone aged 12-25.


Sudbury is one of the largest geographic cities in Ontario and so getting around it is even more important.

Driving: in order to drive in Ontario, you must have a valid driver’s license. Many international licences can advance you faster through the process. Contact Drive Test Ontario to learn more.

Transit: Sudbury has a transit system that goes through the city. It is very important to plan your route to be sure you reach your destination on time. This can be done on Google Maps. You can buy passes that provide unlimited trips for a period of time, or passes that allow you to make a certain number of trips. To come to All Nations Church, you should take whatever bus is closest to your home to the transit terminal, then get on the Route 10 bus and get off at the corner of Howey and St. Raphael St.

Taxis/Rideshare: There are two main taxi services in Sudbury: Aaron Taxi and Lockerby Taxi. These will get you where you need to be on time but are typically more expensive. Another option to look at is uRide, a ride-sharing service that can vary in price depending on time of day and availability of drivers.


Of course, no guide to Sudbury would be complete without providing information on what you can do for fun!

Science North: Experience the science museum, featuring a butterfly gallery, an IMAX theatre, and hands-on exhibits about the natural world and technology.

Dynamic Earth: Hear, touch and see Sudbury’s mining history at Dynamic Earth, a science centre where you can learn about the region’s geology, take an underground mine tour, and even try your hand at gold panning.

Ramsey Lake: Enjoy outdoor activities like kayaking, canoeing, or paddleboarding on Ramsey Lake. You can also take a comfortable walk or bike ride along the waterfront trails.

Bell Park: Relax in Bell Park, a beautiful green space located on the shores of Lake Ramsey. It’s perfect for picnics, playing sports, or simply enjoying the scenery.

Sudbury Theatre Centre: Enjoy live performances at the Sudbury Theatre Centre, which hosts a variety of plays, musicals, and other theatrical productions throughout the year.

Sports: If you’re a sports fan, catch a Sudbury Wolves hockey game or Sudbury Five basketball game at the Sudbury Community Arena and cheer on the local team.