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Sharing Your Faith With Non-Christians

By June 24, 2024ANC Blog

Evangelism can be a word that strikes fear into the heart of Christians. The concept of having to share and defend our faith with others can be difficult and confusing, with many of us not even knowing where to start. With the recent ShareWord Global conference, I’ve been doing a lot more thinking about how to share my faith and did a little bit of research. I happened across the Barna group’s recent research on what people of no faith were looking for in conversations with Christians.

These conversations of faith can come out of curiosity or certainty, but are ripe with potential. Relationships between Christians and individuals of no faith are common, with 65 percent of those without faith have personal acquaintances who embrace the teachings of Christ, and 45 percent engaging in heartfelt discussions about their Christian journey. Based on the research, it clear what they seek in those conversations: they yearn for listeners, not judges. Honest reflections on doubts and questions, devoid of coerced convictions, form the cornerstone of meaningful discourse. The canvas upon which these dialogues unfold is painted with strokes of care and consideration.

However, reality often presents a stark contrast to these aspirations. Despite the warmth of one-on-one exchanges, explicit expressions of faith can sometimes fall on deaf ears. Many individuals of no faith recoil from further discussions about Jesus, feeling unheard or imposed upon. These encounters, though well-intentioned, fail to foster the desired sense of closeness and understanding.

In moments of reflection, it becomes evident that the efficacy of spiritual conversations is intricately intertwined with the fabric of relationships. A poorly navigated dialogue not only stifles curiosity but also jeopardizes the bond between individuals. In light of these insights, the call to action resonates loud and clear: Christians must hone the art of building relationships and engaging in conversations that honour mutual care, respect, and authenticity.

Guided by the wisdom of scripture, here are a tips at we seek to grow relationally and share our faith with others:
Listen Without Judgment: Proverbs 18:13 reminds us, “To answer before listening— that is folly and shame.” Approach conversations with humility, seeking to understand rather than to impose.
Embrace Honest Doubt: In John 20:27, Jesus extends compassion to Thomas, acknowledging his doubts. Embrace questions with empathy, recognizing that doubt can be a pathway to deeper understanding.
Cultivate Genuine Care: Galatians 6:2 urges us to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Approach conversations with a genuine desire to understand and uplift, fostering an environment of mutual care and support.
We have the unique responsibility and opportunity as Christians to speak into people’s lives, showing them the love that Christ has for them. Ensuring that we do that respectfully is so important to help others come into Christ’s family!


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