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Meet our Life Group Leaders

By January 13, 2025ANC Blog

Steve and Helen Townend

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
We both felt that we had something that we could give in terms of teaching and leading.
We have led groups for a number of years both in our home and at church.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
Steve is now retired and loves reading and doing puzzles. Helen teaches painting and drawing
part time. We have 3 children, one son who lives at home with us and two daughters, one married,
who live away from home.
3. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
Our typical format is an introductory time – general chit chat (5 mins), watch the video and
participate in the discussion (however long that takes) and finish with a prayer time (5 to 10
minutes). The longest we meet is usually about 1 hour 30 minutes.
4. Who is your group best suited for?
Our group is open to anyone
5. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
I think that the life groups that we have hosted or participated in have either challenged us in
some way or have prompted in us a desire to see a certain topic discussed as we believe it could
have an impact on the lives of people.
6. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
We hope that people doing this course will be challenged in their generosity and in their faith in


Stephen and Nathalie Ritchie

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Belief that we all need fellowship, discipleship, and spiritual growth beyond the weekly
Sunday services
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
Nathalie is a retired school teacher, and I am a professor at Laurentian University in the School of
Kinesiology and Heath Sciences. We have two adult children, Tristan and Ixta. Tristan is married
to Rebecca and they have blessed us with two grandchildren, Iris and Lottie. We are avid outdoor
adventurers, explorers, and gardeners, marveling at God’s creation as much as we can!
3. What makes your life group unique?
Our Life Group is unique for several reasons. We are a Family LG where children of all ages are
welcome, although we don’t provide specific programming for them. They can play amongst
themselves or join the adults for discussion and prayer. We are also unique because there are two
hosts and leaders, Grace Ma and the Ritchies and the host site alternates between our homes. We
also meet on Friday from 7-9pm approximately every second week.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
The evening usually begins with fellowship, and then a themed bible study, and ending with a
prayer time.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Our group has marveled over the answer to prayer that has occurred.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
We hope that group members will deepen their relationship with Jesus, grow in their faith, and
develop deeper relationships with each other as we fellowship together.

Michelle Ross

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Being a participant in a LG in each of the 6 countries we have lived in has been a life line for
me and so was led to give back when the opportunity arose to volunteer to be a leader
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
My Husband Alistair and I have been married for 43 years and we have 2 sons and a
daughter. We are also thrilled to be grandparents to a 10 year old step grandson and 3
granddaughters under the age of 5. I graduated as an elementary school teacher in
Zimbabwe and have either worked, substituted or volunteered in the school systems that
our children attended. I enjoy cooking from scratch, playing golf, swimming and walking
with friends.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Being a stay at home mum when our children were young has given me an empathy for mums
who are currently in the same position. So our group allows a safe place for us to discuss the
loneliness that often comes with this, our marriages and supporting each other as we raise our
children through all their stages of development. As we study the word together, we grow in the
Lord and long lasting friendships occur.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
Coffee or tea time as we arrive, watch the Video if we have one for our topic series, discuss the
study notes and end in prayer.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Best suited for ladies who are mums under 55 and wanting to grow in the Lord
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Meeting in a small group has challenged me to form new relationships often with strangers, held
me accountable to growing in the Lord so that I can live abundantly wherever I am planted. It
has brought me so much Joy over the years and filled my love tank!
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
Confidence to live as a child of God in this ever changing world. Where they can share the Good
news easily, love others abundantly, be peacemakers and also become leaders.

Kathryn Irwin-Seguin

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
I attended a Life Group in fall of 2017 and my Life Group leader suggested that she thought
I would be a good Life Group leader. I had enjoyed the experience of being part of a Life
Group and prayed about it and put my name forward.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
I am married with 3 step-grandchildren and 1 step-great-grandchild. My step-son passed away in
2007, after being hit by a drunk driver. I am the former director of Monarch Recovery Services, an
agency that provided services for men and women struggling with substance abuse.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Michelle Ross and I co-lead the 2 groups which meet simultaneously on Wednesday mornings
and study the same content. We love to laugh and sing and have forged strong friendships/bonds
within our groups.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We start with coffee time, open in prayer, sing and then split into separate groups to discuss the
lesson and then spend time in prayer requests from the members of the group.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Women. We have members aged 40 – 95, new Christians and long-term Christians, all looking to
fellowship with other women in the church.
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
I do a lot of research for each study and I like to provide the context of when and why the
scriptures we are studying. Consequently, I have learned so much from the research, but also
from other members of the group and their perspectives and what the scriptures can teach us
about the times we live in.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
Increased knowledge of our God, His love, what it means to live the Christian life and the wisdom
of the Bible. As well, fellowship with other women and learning to love each other as Christ
admonished us.

Grace Ma

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
Michelle, a neighbor on my lake, was leading life groups in her home at the time. She
prayed with me about it several times, and I felt called to open my home for life group
families. Initially, we co-hosted, which was incredibly helpful as Michelle’s experience
provided valuable guidance. Currently, I co-host with the Ritchies, which works well given
my work schedule, as it doesn’t allow for many weeks off.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
My biological family includes my daughter Christina and me. Over the pandemic, we leaned
heavily on what I call my “Sudbury family”—our neighbors and friends. Finding a church family
has been a blessing, helping Christina grow spiritually while giving me opportunities to nurture
love within the community where I work. Professionally, I am a doctor at the hospital, so my
schedule often involves shift work and weekend call coverage, which keeps me away from the
church family at times.
3. What makes your life group unique?
Our group is open and welcoming to anyone in a family—which includes everyone! We welcome
mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, grandparents, kids, and friends. When I was
looking for a life group, I couldn’t find one that worked for both my daughter and me during nonwork
and non-school hours. Spending quality time with her is a priority, and this inclusive familycentered
group allows us to share in spiritual growth together.
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We meet twice a month on Fridays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Members are encouraged to have
dinner beforehand but are welcome to bring a light snack. Our meetings start with a prayer,
followed by fellowship time, a short Bible study, and a closing prayer. After prayer, we enjoy
snacks and fellowship until around 9:00 or 9:30 PM.
5. Who is your group best suited for?
Our group welcomes anyone from ages 1 to 100, at any life stage, who is interested in building
relationships, strengthening their spiritual walk through prayer, and learning how to cultivate a
strong family unit.
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
Being part of a life group has been instrumental in finding a sense of belonging within the church
community. It has given me the opportunity to meet people I wouldn’t otherwise have
encountered. Hosting this group of prayer warriors in my home is a blessing. Witnessing
answered prayers through this life group has been both refreshing and renewing for my faith.
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
I hope members will find a welcoming group of believers who can support them in their spiritual
growth and faith journey.

Gerry Lougheed Jr.

1. What brought you to start leading a life group?
I am leading this Life Group because I feel “The Chosen” video helps us better understand
and appreciate Jesus’ ministries and His followers.
2. Can you share a little about your family, work, or hobbies?
I have lay preached in the Sudbury area for over 50 years. I am the President of Lougheed’s
Funeral Home. I take bike treks all over the place.
3. What makes your life group unique?
The chemistry within our group is amazing producing a spiritual synergy of enlightenment and
4. What is the typical format or structure of your group meetings?
We start at 6:30 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. We have review from last week, watch an episode, reflect
on what we watched using the workbook provided and we include music and prayer!
5. Who is your group best suited for?
6. How has being part of a life group impacted your faith journey?
It has been awesome, truly making me better love being “Chosen.”
7. What do you hope group members will gain by joining your life group?
They will better appreciate how Jesus truly was a shepherd, teacher, preacher and Saviour. We
take Jesus out of the stain glass window and make Him a friend and family member.

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